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The Hospitality Workforce Report

The value of retaining and developing talent

August 2022

While the hospitality landscape continues to be fraught with challenges related to inflation and soaring costs, consumer confidence and supply chain disruption, our latest insights uncover that the workforce is showing signs of positive development.

Our latest data – pulled from a network of more than 700 pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels – indicates that there are now more people working in hospitality than at any time in the last two years. Staff headcount has grown by more than a fifth (22%) on last summer, highlighting how staffing levels are approaching pre-pandemic levels.

However, despite this encouraging shift in the sector’s recovery, our insights show that operators are still under pressure to cope with increasing rates of pay, high staff turnover, and the changing make-up of the workforce.

In a brand-new report, that’s FREE to download, we take a deep dive into:

  • How the workforce is growing and stabilising
  • The number of hours worked across the industry
  • Wages and how they compare across business type
  • How the make-up of the workforce by nationality is continuing to shift in a post-pandemic and post-Brexit environment

Download the report

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