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Automating the Purchase to Pay Cycle

The guide to digitising your procurement, purchasing, and invoicing process.

Working in hospitality means that the food and products you use are as important as the service you offer to your customers and guests.

However, ensuring that you get exactly what you need, at the right location, on time and at the right price is only part of the full Purchase to Pay cycle. More often the tricky part is verifying deliveries, paying the right amount and avoiding errors in the process.

Fourth’s ePurchasing and eInvoicing solutions are here to help. Most businesses are already deploying tech to automate their back-office activities, so moving from manual, time-consuming processes to electronic trading is now easier than ever.

We have put together a guide that shows you:

  • How to simplify purchasing operations and get better visibility on spending
  • How to save time, money and paper with the 3-way Invoice Matching

Download a free copy of the guide and explore how you can be greener with paper-free operations, minimise the risk of costly human error and digitalise the procurement and purchasing process from start to finish.

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